Hardin Kight Associates retains a staff with a variety of technical expertise and our Glen Burnie laboratory is AASHTO accredited. The diversity of expertise allows HKA to offer the following services:
Construction testing and inspections
- AASHTO accredited laboratory soils testing
- Flexible wall permeability testing for clay liners and impervious cores
- Constant head permeability testing for granular soils
- Ground improvement – deep dynamic compaction, aggregate piers
- Embankment construction – compaction testing
- Foundations – spread footings, deep foundations
- Soil improvement – chemical enhancement
- Pavement construction - thickness and density determination
- Lagoons and landfills clay and synthetic linings - inspection and testing
- Portland cement Concrete testing and inspection
- Post tension concrete construction inspection
- Site investigation evaluation - pre-purchase, preliminary, full
- Investigation and evaluation of existing foundations
- Recommendations for foundations – bearing capacity/settlement analysis
- Groundwater assessment – dewatering recommendations
- Recommendations for site development
- Stormwater management investigations/recommendations
- Slope stability analysis
- Retaining wall design
- Rock assessment using conventional and geophysical methods
- Examination and assessment of karst terrain
- Pavement design